Saturday, January 17, 2009

Forcing Amaryllis bulbs

I was looking at the pictures of amaryllis in a gardening magazine and it looked so romantic in the candle light.  I immediately decided to force these magnificent flowers for this holiday season.

After reading I found that Amaryllis is the easiest bulb to force. Just allow about six to eight weeks from planting to bloom time, and you will experience the most gorgeous, large flowers for a special occasion.

Here is what I did…

Select a pot at least 2 inches wider than the bulb. Make sure the pot has the drainage holes. Add a small amount of potting soil in the bottom of the pot. Center the bulb in the middle of the pot. Then add additional potting soil, firming it around the roots and bulb. Make sure that the bulb is only half covered with soil, and the other half is above the soil. Water generously once, and set in a warm (70 F) place.

Once the leaves or the flower stalk appear, the pot should be moved to a sunny window. Water as needed to keep the soil slightly damp. Too much water will rot the bulb.

The pot should be turned a bit each day to keep the flower stalk growing straight, as it tends to lean towards the light. The flower stalk may require staking to support the weight.

Your bulb may begin to grow leaves before, during or after it blooms.

Well, the real flowers were even more stunning than what we imagined (see pictures below for samples).


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