Friday, October 7, 2011

Tropical fruit salad

While browsing at the local Asian supermarket yesterday, I stumbled upon an exotic fruit which brought back memories – strolling in Hilo’s farmer market in Hawaii’s Big Island, when this fruit had first caught my eye.


One of the local farmer was happy to cut the fruit and let us sample it.  The mild sweetly-flavored white pulp inside was a strong contrast to the vibrant exterior, and tasted like a cross between a kiwi and a pear.


The Dragon fruit is a cactus fruit actually native to Central and South America. It comes in three varieties – red skin with red flesh, red skin with white flesh and yellow skin with white flesh. The pulp can be easily scooped off the skin. Low in calories and high in antioxidants, it is a good source of nutrition - Vitamin C, minerals (especially magnesium and phosphorus). They are also low in calories and high in fiber.

Best eaten raw and chilled, combine it with any tropical fruit and add a few pomegranate gems. It imparts color and a sweet-tart  crunch that goes well with sweet papaya and the dragon fruit.


The colorful peel can serve as a visually stunning platter!


Hari Chandana P said...

wow.. looks so beautiful and perfect.. thanks for sharing dear.. gr8 job !!
Indian Cuisine

Anonymous said...

Thanks for introducing to this new fruit. Have never seen such a fruit before. Eager to try it.

Vashia said...

Wow, you make it look so delicious! You have an amazing talent.